Saturday, 20 February 2016

Bobby MacLeod & his Band: The Music of Mull

This album has been in my possession since I was a kid, because Bobby was a dear friend of my mums and our family. My mother was born on the Island of Mull and then moved down here after the war. She consequently moved back and forth until her death a few years ago. Bobby was one of those rare musicians, who, endlessly encouraged people's musicality. His pub 'The Mishnish' had nightly entertainment during the summer months, with Bobby playing accordion and my cousin Richard Hughes playing along on snare and hi-hat. Bobby was a giant of traditional Scottish folk music and should be recognised so. His influence over me was immense, and it's because of his encouragement that I went on to do my job as a professional musician and music teacher. 
This album is a delight (although track 1 skips at the beginning because of over playing). My reasoning for upping this is that, firstly I've searched for a spare copy but there doesn't appear to be one, and secondly, I wanted to get Bobby's music out there so that others can enjoy a little bit of Scottish history. 

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